Source Code

Mr. Fuller

A fat meatball that likes to look at underage peaches. Also like to talk about owning slaves. Might be Italian.

Did you see Mr. Fuller look at that underage peach while he was goin on about slaves?

by Yeetafius42069 January 24, 2020

Vaishnavi MR

Abhishek's waifu ,the best girl in the whole wide world💖,loves books ,an entrepreneur,her eyes are as calm as the ocean.

Look ain't that vaishnavi MR ,shes a real kind and empathetic woman

by Smolme June 5, 2021

mrs. proctor

A mean ass teacher. If you say like she'll have you're hid TANNED! She is very strict on grammar and spelling. Better watch out and have you're act together in the hallway's. She has threatened to torture kids until Jesus comes back! That's a damn good long time if I do say so myself.

Mrs. Proctor is your teacher? Oh man, I am so sorry. I won't be surprised if you don't survive this year. / Yeah man, me either. That bitch is gonna kill me! Well, see ya in hell.

by Hetero-Sexual Male December 19, 2017

Mr Poland

Having a threesome with a German and a Russian, but you must be dominated the entire time.

Person A: Did you hear about Timmy, he had a threesome with a German and Russian chick last night!

Person B: Timmy's a little bitch, he would have spent his whole time getting pegged by them. He was definitely Mr Poland.

by BigChiefMojoRising August 24, 2018

Mr pang

The one teacher who is both a chad and the most skilled at Rock Paper Scissors

Person 1: have you heard of how much of a mr pang Ethan is
Person 2: yea he is so chad and very sexy

by Disciple of simonism June 27, 2022

Mr. Fuckle

An absolute imp of a cat that somehow manages to fuck up anything it touches

Mr. Fuckle I left you in the kitchen for an hour and now the fridge is upside down!

by Cheese consumer July 26, 2022

mrs hewitt

a huge bitch that nobody likes

have you heard of a mrs hewitt

by bigbick69 November 24, 2016