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Max Rafferty

The former(as of 1/29/08) bass-player for Brighton pop band The Kooks.

Max Rafferty whata' guy!

by seclp January 30, 2008

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max marzouk

one of the only kids who almost rivals jack quinn in raddness. has good fugdesicle eating skills and aperantly comands a fleet of dolphin riding midgets a.k.a M&M

my only brother was ripped in half

by the commi smasher November 6, 2004

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Max Feinstein

Aspiring musician and generally good natured furball

Max Feinstein has long hair

by Roger Franklin March 28, 2005

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Max Cleland

A damn good Georgia Senator. He was a Democrat, and campaigned for John Kerry. He got three limbs blown off in Vietnam. Some putz named Saxby Chambliss dared call him unpatriotic (just because Max Cleland voted against the pointless SDI thing). We need more guys like him, Barak Obama, and John Kerry.

Vote to get Max Cleland back in the Senate.

by Catholiccommunist April 9, 2006

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legend of max

The third instalment in the max series. Legend of max first appered in DDR Extreme. the song offers extremy tricky and advanced steps, that surpass its little brothers (Max300, max unlimited). the song starts at a around 300 BPM and slows down halfway through to a around 40 BPM, shortly after the legend of max jumps to a record breaking 600 BPM. this ten footer is one hell of a ride!

Legend of max is a tricky DDR song, challenging both stamina and eye foot cordinatiom.

by BDR August 27, 2006

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In ancient times this name was given to the champion of a certain contest. The contest winner would have had to fuck as many dogs/flamboient homosexuals in 30 minutes as possible. The first max-vosper held the record for sticking his cock in as many as 58 dogs! Centuries later this name has evolved into a person who is incredibly "faggish" and who would one day dream to have middle aged male celebrity Justin Timberlake sucking their cock. Please, to all whom this applies to, if you by happen to run into or/are friends with a max-vosper, invite them over for a sleepover and ejaculate into their mouths while they are sleeping. People might go as far to say that the "faggot Japanese" are more respected than people named max-vosper.

Boy 1-"Dude I swear I walked into the library yesterday and I saw max-vosper drinking a cup of his dog's semen."

Boy 2-" Oh well that explains why he was wacking off his dog the other day"

by Dick T.Rickle February 20, 2008

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Max Hermann!

MY BEST GUY FRIENNDDD <3 i love you so much, and im writing this to annoy you, because you just love urban dictionary. :p were on the phone now... lol. ahh your sooo funny, and nice, and just amazing. im soo glad i met you in 6th grade ;; and that we are this close. as im writing this, were talking about the definitions of our names on this website. we so cool, everyone wants to be like us :p

lmfao were also on the phone with selena. and right now its 10:45 pm , friday night of 12.2.11 , And i had lost my voice. im writing this because i want it to look long, LOL. welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ilysffmmm ! text me boyy , once you finish your shower (; ily <3

lauren: max is a faggot.
max hermann!: oh yes he is.
lauren: he has no life.
max: i know i fight police and pregnant ladies in mafia 2 all day.

by laurenbouskilaaaaaa;* December 3, 2011

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