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greasy nipple

1. A nipple that is so sweaty and dirty that it looks greasy, like a pizza delivery boy's face. The grease resembles that of coagulated bacon grease, and in fact, could be used to fry some chicken.

2. An affectionate term referring to someone who is nasty dirty greasy.


After his shift at What-A-Burger flipping burgers, Reed was one big greasy nipple.

by Homely Loser July 21, 2007

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nipple bowl

Superbowl XVIII, where the publicity of Janet Jackson's boob overtook the joy of a great game between the Patriots and Panthers

Joe: Hey that was a good game huh?
Bob: Yeah, so was that boob! ohhyeah!!
Joe: Shut up you animal-goatsing wanksta!

by Joe Yamato February 8, 2004

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nipple head

when one's cranium resembles a large milk filled breast

grant . . . you need a hair cut because wearing your missus' bra on your face doesn't cut the mustard

by paul May 4, 2004

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lightning nipples

A very odd word. Somewhat random. May reference erect nipples.

Lightning Nipples=funny

by bob me cal May 12, 2010

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Nipple vines

When the hairs around your nipples grow extensively long in a wild twisting manner.

Yo, mama's so hairy, Tarzan himself could swing from her nipple vines.

Dude, I haven't shaved my chest in weeks, I'm beginning to grow nipple vines.

by AngryGuinea August 3, 2010

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biscuit nipples

When you have eczema on your nipples and they start to flake off like dry biscuits.

I don't want to go any further, I'm self conscious of my biscuit nipples.

by chellybelly42069 July 26, 2017

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nipple sucking

A kinkyish act, when two (whatever’s this it 2017 genders don’t matter anymore) suck on each other or one of the participants nipples. Tf.

Ryan: dude did you hear about Liam?

Sarah: no, what happened?

Emma: they haven’t even kissed or had oral sex or anything he just went strait to the nipple sucking.

Sarah: tf..
Ryan: yeah...that’s pretty weird

by slootysuruh December 31, 2018

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