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run for the hills

A term used to describe the stereotype of rich people (typically white folks) who run make to their safe communities after doing obligations in less desirable (black dominated, urban) communities based on the cliche of the rich people having the nice homes on the hills while all the poor people are down below.

I bet this guy cant run for the hills fast enough once this is over.

by uncle sam June 30, 2006

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An ugly, buck-toothed, backwoods bitch from Arkansas who hitched her sizeable caboose to the fortunes of super-politico and world-class poon-hound Bill Clinton. This "looks dumb but ain't" hill-billary first schemed her snatch-obsessed hubby all the way to the White House, deflty side-stepping all manner of high-stakes land swindles and sex scandals along the way. Once the Washington jig was up, she duped a bunch of dumb-ass New Yorkers into electing her senator, where she subsequently accomplished nary a single campaign promise and helped worsen living conditions for her constituents. What she lacks in looks and ethics, she more than makes up for in brains and wile. If we are not careful, this slippery she-devil will attempt to use her New York senatorship as a stepping stone to land in the White House for a second disasterous term where this time there will be no need for her to hide the fact that she is running the show. This will free Bill up to chase poontang from one end of the globe to the other.

That f---ing Hill-Billary is runnin' fer the White House agin!

by Obama Yo Mama January 3, 2007

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Harvard on a hill

Montana State University in Billings, Montana

MSUB is Harvard on a hill in Billings, Montana.

by Montanian October 27, 2012

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Jonah Hill

A talentless Hollywood "actor" who is only made it cos of his religion

That guy didn't deserve his job, he only got it cos of his "connections" - what a total Jonah Hill!!!!!

by enoughofthefakehistory December 26, 2016

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Aiden Hill

A person who is very small and gay. He plays a shit game called destiny and likes to fiddle children

1- β€œAiden Hill want to fuk?”
2-β€œIf you don’t go to nursery class, I’ll have to pass.”

by Urmumhasgae December 17, 2018

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Falcon Hills

Falcon Hills is a neighborhood in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. It is a gated community, with many large, extremely expensive houses. The neighborhood consists of families with children, and old couples. Due to the recession, a large number of the houses are for sale.

Kid 1: My parent bought a house in Falcon Hills.
Kid 2: Dude you must be really rich!

by Scarlet927 February 28, 2011

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Icy Hills

The act of holding something cold (Ex: ice cube, ice cream, anything frozen really) Against the nipples of a female then when hard as rocks bitting and licking them, sofly though.

If you have a girl with some pain tollerance thats into some weird stuff, try the Icy Hills, you won't regret it.

by ThatOneKidOnTheInternet October 2, 2014

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