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Poon Glue

“ I was getting Head and I shot my poon glue in her eye and it got stuck shut”

Poon glue

by MR.. POTATO HEAD September 29, 2018

phat poon

when you take a fat shit on a girls chest, she then proceeds to lick it and picks it up, rams her fist up your arse crevasse putting it back up there.

me and my girl phat pooned yesterday
I really enjoy a phat poon
my grandma decided to phat poon with my dad yesterday

by Johnny sins 12 incher January 26, 2021

Poon Flap

When the crease underneath the muffin top smells like cheese

Bro¹: yo i was with ogirl last night and she had a "poon flap"
Bro²: lmao damn Foo, so what yall do then?
Bro¹:asked her if she wana take a shower with me lmfao

by SMOF 1st June 3, 2023

Poon Spoon

A Pseudonym for a penis

"I'm gonna destroy that hoe wid mah Poon Spoon"

by Frazzle Dazzle May 8, 2014

poon goggles

The way you see any girl after not getting any in a while. EG: A 2 becomes a 10, a 5 becomes a 10, etc... Origin Vincente's restaurant.

Even though that Heinrich chick may be a 10, even if she was a 2 at this point, with the Poon Goggles I'm wearing at this conference I'd still hit that....

by HHeiny November 27, 2013

poon thief

A person, object or animal that always has success in attracting women (poon) and often annoys their friends because of it. Often used when someone is trying to steal another's girlfriend/wife etc.

'Did hear about Ben trying to make out with Sophia?'

"Yeah. That guys such a poon thief!"

by Pinkgoodnight June 26, 2014


(n.) a woman who is short in stature but high in bangability.

Shawn Johnson is micro-poon.

by blamaste December 6, 2010