When sad people feel poor so they mistakenly buy an iPhone to look rich.
"Bret was embarrassed about being poor so he bought an iPhone because he heard they make you look rich. He's feeling rich now that he's iPhone rich."
When someone appears to be rich from a Google search of their name but in reality is not.
"Oh wow, he is rich!"
"No, he's just Google rich. He actually struggles to pay his rent."
When twins hustle Bingo with Gram Gram and the other Bingo Players handoff the nickels to the twins, making them Nickel Rich!!
My sister had too much prune juice and I got Nickel Rich on Wednesday night with Grammy!!
Kris Wu is Syafinaz Binte Zainal rich brother.
Kris Wu is Syafinaz Binte Zainal rich brother.
When you have a lot of high quality beer on hand.
Let's go over to Jeff's place, he's beer rich right now. I got a hankering for a Guinness.
Mani konda is the rich area where legends live like Sridhar sarr
Sridhar Sarr belongs to mani konda rich batch
So rich that you can afford to have your toilet replaced by a fresh one after you use it once.
"Forget about making six figures, I'm trying to get Fresh Toilet Rich!"