During a devil's three way one man inserts his penis into the woman's anus, then he pulls out leaving feces on his erect penis. The second man then licks it clean.
Hey man did you hear Rob and Dave did the peanut butter spoon with Catherine the other day?
a spoon covered in peanut butter
mainly used a topic of a conversation
Donut-you got a peanut butter spoon
Donut-you guys ever look up peanut butter spoon on the urban dictionary
Donut- ya me neither i dont know if its a real thing but it sounds like it should be
Cumming onto a spoon and feeding it to your partner.
I gave my gilrfriend a New Orleans spoonful last night
When a midget gets spooned by a giant
me and my boyfriend tea spoon and ladle in bed last night
Someone who changes opinion quickly, someone often looked down upon for not having any moral basis of opinion
Man that guy is such a waffle turned spoon
Legislature passed by the United States Supreme Court in 2006 defining the regulations of all manufactured spoons to be produced with built in cameras to ensure security of all drawers
Bro how’d you take that picture with a spoon ??? Bro all spoons have cameras, have you seen the spoon act of 2006?
When you are fucking your girl in the spoon position and she blasts out such an epic, world-ending giga-parp that shit gets all over your balls and flows onto bed.
"Dude I was layin with my girl last night and she straight gave me the doo doo spoon; that shit was rank yo, shit all on my junk, my bed, and the sheets? Man, they ain't NEVER gonna be right again."