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Yellow Rat Bastard

An insult coined by Louis "Red" Deutsch in the tube bar prank calls in the 1970's.

"You yellow rat bastard, you sunnavabitch, I'm gonna put a bullet in ya."

by uh1989 June 4, 2009

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yellow submarine

when having relations with a female, you urinate in your partner and then proceed to throw into the ocean.

Tommy Lee so should have given Pamela Anderson a yellow submarine that video.

by Cody Tizzle March 3, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

yellow race

the only people that I know that have yellow type skin are the blonde people of scandanavian decent.
To be a little more political correct.Unmixed blonde, have yellow hair, blue eye. Skin texture is somewhat yellow to dark yellow orange color, not to much hair on body, little thin hair on eye brows.Many may have many freckles on body arms and face.Usually heavy mixed with southern Euro's(Whites), probably more than what South American Indian are mixed with Spanish(Whites) decent.those millions that are mixed, usually they refer to themselves as whites, only having blue eye with dark hair or blonde hair with brown eyes, with similar texture skin as those of southern euro's. Blonde hair with blue eyes are sometimes reffered to as blonde,Ethnic Identity just caucasian for simplicity sake.Becuase of TV brought the world closer together, there is more of a subliminial agreement that these two groups are in the same race and ethnic Identity, which is really false, since both groups have same Head structure, rounds eyes, thin lips, big hands, long legs long arms they are under caucasian, but vary in skin texture and color. Both groups know each other differnece, taking extremes sides, they are different.

Many countries under caucasian, and every country could say, you look armenian, you look Italian, you look German, you look Spanish, you look Russian, you look from finland etc. Not to political correct, caucasians since caucasian mountian are by Armenia. I should be more like Southern Euro's and Sadanavians.
yellow race

catoon people usually have yellow complexion, yellow race

by Los Angeles211 September 3, 2006

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Black n' Yellow

Referring to a black and asian friendship. Neither of them are actually are gangsters, but they like to listen to the song "Black and yellow" in their spare time while doing math homework.

1: Damn see Shaniqua and Chuang?
2: Yeah, thats real Black n' yellow

by BNY2964592486 February 7, 2011

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Yellow Soap Bubble

when a girl pees in a guys mouth and bubbles come out rapidly

Syd put a yellow soap bubble in clints mouth

by Shaey FO February 29, 2008

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yellow eyed nigger

A nigger from the swamp streets of Detroit with piss colored eyes looking for crack at all hours of the day.

Damn that yellow eyed nigger won't leave me alone.

by King Smidi August 25, 2017

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Yellow Fever Dream

When a person known for liking people of asian descent gets into an intimate relationship with them.

-Whatever happened to Brandon?
-Oh, him? He's been living in a Yellow Fever Dream since he got married to Ayumi.

-Wow, really? Huh, that sounds like him.

by haha_Lost Boys August 21, 2018

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