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A bit of Fry & Laurie?

Another way to ask someone if they want to have sex with you

So my girlfriend the other day got really smiley on our date and she slowly tapped my leg and I noticed. I asked her if we could engage in “a bit of Fry & Laurie?” afterwards and she said “sure I’d love that”.

by YuOfTheNight March 24, 2021

bit bot

Referring to the local nittys that may be present within the area.

g I can't lie your ends are dun out, hella bit bots vacating the area

by zmet September 9, 2019

Snake Bit

When you're low on self esteem due to all the hardcore blow you did in your early days. And you're homeless and cant get away from all the hostility

Cuh was snake bit in his home!!!!!

by Sirparadiseking June 7, 2024

bit of brace

To let someone know you are stripping.

Michael Sheen got overheated on set and decided show a ‘bit of brace’.

by Marrilion December 1, 2023


Calling someone a B word in a nicer manner.

James is a Bit-Bit.

by Hapy_10 September 25, 2022

Chapped to bits

When you are overjoyed and excited to do something in the near future.

Sara asked Mike if he was excited to go to the gender reveal party. Mike replied “chapped to bits.”

by Crab cheese gremlin August 14, 2021

bit friendly

A little bit friendly, Tbh this isnt really a word. John made it up ;)

I'm a bit friendly person

by Bit friendly August 2, 2017