A huge file, maybe a presentation or spreadsheet, that you inevitably need to send when your internet is down.
I need to finish sending this Big Ass File to boss lady Dina before she leaves tonight, it's really harshing my mellow.
when a person have a lot of energy it is referred as big booty energy because it is like a girl twerking
person: okayyy i see you got that big booty energy.
Just show a homie some love with a hug, aint gay or nothing
Yo let me give you a big nigga hug.
Look at big chuck and little John coming In starting new gossip
A big floof is a creature of some sort that has to much floof to be recognized.
Jimbo: Look at that big floof.
Carl Wheezer: Mmmm. Yeah jimmy he looks like a croissant.
Taking your girl or guy or farm animal to a Home Town Buffet and having intercourse while either party is bent over the salad bar.
Hey Farmer John, I saw Susie yesterday and gave her the good old big daddy moes farm shed special
dude 2: holy shit you're right