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Lower case v syndrome

when everything you hate or are sick of starts with a letter v.
a lowercase b and lowercase v always correlate to one another, in any and all circumstances.

Oh no, he has lowercase v syndrome.
pretty sure he got that from vaginosis.

Fell in love with a tall slim girl, but i’m a little short and round. i got the lowercase b syndrome.
That girl has varicella, and is vegan, she got Lower case v syndrome

by Lowercase v sydrome May 19, 2021

Zuckerberg Syndrome

The case in which a child who was raised with entrepreneurial parents becomes so convinced by the idea that working for someone else is a failure, that they are paralyzed in finding a purpose in life.

Bro I know I need to pay bills and find a job but I can’t work for someone else. Dad told me the only way to become a millionaire is to be my own boss.

Damn dude I really think the Zuckerberg syndrome is hitting you.

by Whatismilk78 November 7, 2022

Pahkitwin Syndrome

When a nice character is seen as a worse character than their mean counterpart as all their personality traits are ignored by the fandom, and is called a character with no personality, while the mean character is more flanderized, corny and is only called a character with personality traits because they happen to not be nice. The characters referred here are Sammy and Amy from Total Drama's sixth season

Miraculous Ladybug's fandom is now experiencing Pahkitwin Syndrome with Luka Couffaine.

He has some personality traits that don't just add up to him being nice, and even a bunch of character flaws. But since they aren't worked on, people don't acknowledge them. However, an antagonist as baseless and petty as Lila is seen as a better character despite actually having zero personality traits outside of hating Marinette

by kuu-asaur February 22, 2025

Duckling syndrome

A duckling syndrome is when a person becomes very close with the first ever thing they stumble upon in a specific subject, similar to how young ducklings recognize the first being they encounter as their mother. Often times the loyalty for the very first thing that they've found in the industry gets so strong that they simply reject much better alternatives that they only happen to find out about later. This condition is mainly attributed to one's inability in growth and analysis.

Steve has a duckling syndrome. Despite better alternatives existing out there, he still prefers using that outdated Google search engine even though it actively sells his sensitive information to some shady advertisers, has biased results, has crapton of ads disguised as search results, and omits half of the words in your search term (often the most crucial and defining ones, annoyingly shoving "must include that word" button right down your throat!!!). Steve should finally dump that dumpster fire of a search engine and move on.

by Daffy_Duck42069 March 10, 2021

Caboose Syndrome

People who type part of a sentence, send the message, and then finish it in another message (applies to online chat rooms or messaging programs)

Tom: No homo
Jim: Yes
Jim: It's totally homo
Tom: No
Tom: You're just jealous
Tom: My purple orange isn't homo
Jim: Kakagawa, you have Caboose Syndrome.

by Skull Tooth April 14, 2010

stinky balls syndrome

Someone who suffers from chronic ball stink

Greg: Should we invite John to our poker game tonight?
Crystal: No he never showers, he's got stinky balls syndrome!
John: I'm da best 😎

by TransRightsAndWobblyCats January 30, 2022

Stankholm Syndrome

When you’ve been together so long that you low key start enjoying the smell of your partners farts.

I didn’t even open the car window when he farted today, kinda felt right. Must be Stankholm Syndrome.

by MaggieFace May 2, 2021