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high-effort shitpost

A term commonly used by redditors, using two contrasting and confusing words to describe shitpost that is not low-quality.

Nice high-effort shitpost gone there.

by Jovito August 18, 2024

West Virginia high five

West Virginia High five”: the act of slapping your sibling on the buttocks with your hand. Different from a “pat” on the rear; resembles a cowboy slapping a horse on the rear as he sends it out to pasture.

Tommy was in the habit of giving and receiving West Virginia high fives with his sister Rebecca.

by Jus in case November 17, 2023

high lois

When you’re on a boat but instead of submerging your genitals you just pee off the side. Has its origins in Shell Knob Missouri

Did you see that? Elizabeth just did a high lois off the side of the boat!

by Thee who knows all September 6, 2021

Rogers heritage high school

Rogers heritage high school is a tuff weird jail school where all the crack heads go and slutty girls like “Kassandra” haha but yes heritage is a school you don’t wanna go because it’s full of black people and if they see you wearing a piece of clothing that’s nice or when you bring food, expect them to start surrounding you for a bite of the food because they are one hungry monkeys aka Bam Bam!

Rogers heritage high school

by 805Man November 6, 2019

Oxford area high school

Oxford area high school is a shitty place to learn and make friends, everyone in that school are dumbasf and the staff is complete ass, fuck oxford fuck wendle.

Oxford area high school is complete bullshit

by lyvia.michele August 4, 2022

high five to the face

The act of a woman launching herself fully nude onto the face of a gentleman caller.

Eating of the vagina after being landed on.

Hey babe, I'm feeling frisky. Can I have a high five to the face?

by JRizzle2016 February 5, 2020

Nottingham High

An Old English village, where friends like Robin Hood ( Robby-In-The-Hood), Little John ( Lil Johnny ), Prince John ( Aye-Yo-Prince-y-Boy) go to smoke wheat grass with other furries.

Good darn my wife saw my Nottingham High, I wish I wasn't your Nottingham High, Shut up and kiss me at Nottingham High

by Lula Umbra February 4, 2019