LoVe-a version of love but it is mainly used in a bromance to describe two dudes who are “JUST FRIENDS I SWEAR” who are madly in love but won’t admit it...teehee
“Man I LoVe you but not in a “I love you” kinda way.” Said Barric “I love you too dawg” replied Dustin
love is a bitch.. it comes and goes & when it goes it hurt like bitch. love causes you pain the type of pain where uu know things goin wrong but uu don’t wanna leave it alone
fuck love 🖕🏾
Something that i won't ever get or feel because i'm lonely.
I bet you just searched the word love here because you're either 8 and stupid or you're just as lonely as me.
What I felt first time I saw you ...Mio Principe!:)LOVE at first sight # CUPIDO is my Angel, I hope that this time He is not
wrong... Please, let me say to you that I LOVE you too.
Hi Mio Principe.. How are you doing today? Buona settimana per te :) Non ti ho detto ancora che sei bello da impazzire , lol forse non te ne sei acorto :). Let's go for a coffe ohhh so that I can see your brown beautifull eyes :) They are the Best I have never seen on earth!!! Los ojos son el reflejo del alma, suelen decir por ahi...tu ALMA es tan transparente, pura y fragil como la de quien TE esta escribiendo beautifull eyes:) sera por eso que cada manana Cuando miroTUS ojos Oohhh!! I Can't stop thinking when I 'll see you again, well YOU know... my SMILE is YOURS, FOR EVER, as MY SOUL is yours too!!heeheh Did I confess that I 'm shy ed é per quello ch non ti ho guadato nei occhi??A me PIACE LA BUONNA EDUCAZIONE so and (I HOPE) next time I 'll see you I could feel your soul in mine when seeing your eyes:) ALMA
something that has never lasted for me
clearly it hasn’t lasted for you either since you’re looking this up go get laid or something
Person 1: I’ve never been in love
Person 2: sucks to suck