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irritable vowel syndrome

Refers to a semi-serious malady whereby an impatient/cantankerous person habitually "whimpers 'n' growls" using long drawn-out wordless/meaningless noises that, if written out phonetically, would consume a whole lotta letters other than consonants, such as "Aaaaaaaaaarrgghhhuuuuuuuuuhhhhh...!" or, "Eeeeeeeeeennnggguuuuuuuuuhhh...!"

I never take my spoiled-rotten teenage cousin along on family shopping-trips anymore... the lengthy wait-times between stores, our unwillingness to purchase the unnecessary/overly-expensive items he desires, our inability to go around to all the places he wants to visit, and the late hour that we usually get home all conspire to give him a major case of irritable vowel syndrome, and this constant fretting takes all the cheerfulness out of the trip for everyone else.

by QuacksO September 24, 2017

Irritable vowel syndrome

When playing scrabble and you keep getting vowels, turn after turn, even when you exchange tiles.

I cannot believe it, this is the third turn I am only getting vowels in this Scrabble round, I must have Irritable vowel syndrome (I.V.S.)!

by Farshad Tami September 13, 2019

sad bitch syndrome

when a bish always feelin bad about herself

at least i wasn’t born with sad bitch syndrome

by Dirty Dan134 November 12, 2018

white girl syndrome

A syndrome in which cisgender men are only attracted to white girls typically found in college bars with crop tops, skinny jeans, and air force 1’s.

Identifiable by their clumpy mascara, a fake tan, and bleached hair.

guy 1: Bro look at this girl on instagram. She is exactly my type.

guy 2: Yeah bro, of course she’s your type. You got white girl syndrome.

by suzmae January 30, 2022

Linn Syndrome

1. A term used to describe someone privileged; but lazy and with a fixed mindset. (a keyboard warrior too)
2. A term for a lazy pessimistic person (does not work hard with the initial thought of failing but dreads failure)

That boy has Linn Syndrome. He is afraid to talk to others in school yet he is so aggressive online.
"You have a 100k set up yet you say we're strict parents? You must have Linn Syndrome!"
That boy refused to study and happily played video games. Now he is crying with his awful results. He must have Linn Syndrome.

by ,mebhvbeuifuwu3r3 December 20, 2024

Leeden Syndrome

This is the act of sitting on the virtual money you earn by owning a car dealership in FiveM RP and not spending it,

I've sold so many super cars I think I have Leeden Syndrome, got more money than I can spend.

by ElijahDark July 11, 2019

Phantom Watch Syndrome

The feeling of wearing a watch despite not actually wearing it, this can come from being used to wearing watches. Not harmful in the slightest, just weird.

Ayo I feel something on my wrist?
There’s nothing there.
Ah, Phantom Watch Syndrome.
Jimmy I told you to stop using retarded definitions on urban dictionary.

by Keklord Supreme December 27, 2022

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