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jizz valcano

When your dick sprays cum every where because a guys erection is so hard

Dude last night with my girl I had a jizz valcano

by Cameronblue19 June 29, 2017

jizz chizz

Someone who gets all the ladies and balls up like chef curry.

That girl is a real Jizz chizz

by JizzChizz December 28, 2016

A jizz skip

a woman who is filled up like a skip full of man cum

your mum is a jizz skip

by lango1945 May 12, 2016

jizz bagel

placing a bagal around your gentitals and using it as a masturbating device later to jizz on it and eat it

I am so humgry i can eat a jizz bagel

by Cool kid77 February 19, 2015

jizz trumpet

when you cum in a girls ass while doing anal and as you pull out she farts so loud and such a high pitch that it sounds like a trumpet and launching the jizz forward, thus making it a jizz trumpet

Bro you wont believe it, she totally played the jizz trumpet last night.

by the red horny devil February 10, 2023

Fizz Jizz

When you pour McDonald’s sprite down her coochie.

Brian: “My girl wanted me to do the fizz jizz last night.”
Gary:” Did you do it?”
Brian:” Yeah the McDonald’s Cashier was confused though.”
Gary: “Doesen’t she have a public humiliation kink tho?”
Brian: “Yeah, So?”

by Nigger whipper 69 420 March 7, 2020

THE Jizz Goblin

A disfigured small moss green creature with 6 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand, who will stop at nothing to steal your delicious white fruity juices from your penile region

Ricardo: Hey man, didya sleep well last night.

Phillipè: Naw man, the jizz goblin got me last night.

Ricardo: Aw man sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon

by TheJizzGoblin February 21, 2022