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blind trim

The faggoty way they trim paragliders in boulder.

He pulled the pecker out of his butt amd putt it in his eyes before blind trim check on his glider.

by Ghost of Paul Revere November 25, 2023

PhD Blind

The phenomenon when some who has a PhD and their arrogance has caused them to only able to hear the words of, see the contributions of, or acknowledge others people with PhD’s.

Great work! But don’t bother showing it to Joey, he’s PhD Blind

by SuperBAW January 22, 2021

blind begger

Two elderly blind cockney women suck and licking one penis, when without warning you remove said penis and crack their heads together causing them to beg for a ambulance whilst licking each other's boxes

Oi Dave I gave Ross' mum and aunt a blind begger last night. His nan only came in and starting licking their boxes

by Truckie September 8, 2017

Beauty blind

Think you look good but in reality you’re ugly

Mataya is beauty blind

by Colemole12 August 8, 2021

Beauty blind

When you think you're attractive/ good looking but in reality you aren’t

Mataya is beauty blind

by Colemole12 August 8, 2021

Double-Blind Fun Time

When you are invited for a hot threesome, but you and one of the other three participants do not know each other. If your's is a real tight ass, you need to see the third person before you show up to drink the kambucha. Maling it Just fun time. If your cool, you just make sure the third partner is the sex and/or sexual orientation you desire, and get a rain check for your similar invitation.

Jack agreed to show up to Jenna's place for double-blind fun time, but only after he made sure he was the only guy hitting the bees. Ya know, a male H'oney Bee.

by LivingWordsmith69 March 12, 2018

Movies for the blind

Pornographic films of any genre.

Q: So what kind of work are you in?

A: I make movies for the blind.
Q: Oohh! And how is that going?

A: It's awesome! I really love my co-workers!

by Amish Bastard December 9, 2022