Use the mobile phone , speak in spanish, argue with your classmates.
Next week I am going to go to the English academy to speak in Spanish.
I argue with Araceli in my english academy.
Abbreviated as CVE, it is the distinct dialect used by prepubescent children
Words like blankie, tattletale, cooties, and scaredy-cat are examples of children’s vernacular English
Thin English broad with well manicured fanny
Johnny and I were headed to the pub for some fine English trim.
Used by Europeans, especially from central & eastern Europe, to describe a passive aggressive person who wants to say "no" to a proposition but is either too embarrassed or feeble to come right out with it, so drags things out until you get bored and/or get the message. Based on the alleged characteristic of the English who drift away from parties without really saying "goodbye"
Vlad: these guys have been negotiating for weeks but they never get to a decision
Boris: give up - their giving you the english goodbye, mate
This new, experimental, and highly creative type of English relocates and may even slightly change one or more syllables in a word, term, clause, or sentence to achieve an effect based on what a new word sounds like.
"Prefect Political Resentapration" is just one an example of Inverted Syllable English. Different effects are achievable depending on which syllables are moved because the new word which has had the position of one or more of its syllables changed might sound like an existing word. For example, to me, the word "resentapration" sounds like some kind of strange amphibian creature or some kind of strange action. The prefix, "resent" sounds like "resentment." And "pration" sounds like "aparition," predatory, preparation, apparition, etc.
Way of telling someone they messed up what they said.
Invented by Nerdecrafter
"Which what would you make?" "English No.1"
When your friend is pooping and you sit down on their lap, facing them, and poo through their legs. You should each have a boner. No ladies. Not sexual in nature.
I really enjoyed the english channel Mike! Same time tomorrow morning?