Any place filled with old, slow moving people.
Dude, Luby's Cafeteria is such a turtle farm. It's like Florida!
To crap in a sink and fill it with water
Someone started a Turtle Farm in the sink at McDonalds
Someone who has had a play on there name from Barnett To Farmett
Malachai your so stupid, Haha Malachai Go Farm
The act of sneaking into a local farm yard and inserting your penis into one of the animals. Preferably a pig or horse. Once you are about to ejactualte one must shout “farm harder”
What did you get up to last night mate?
Snuck into the local farmers field for a game of farm harder. What a great looking horse.
Farm-crack, like bath-tub-crank, but 2025 edition.
And all through the town the people scavenged for what they needed for ;once again:; another batch of the best there is, farm-crack.
Farting continuously as you walk.
Gross! Did you just tour the farm?
A PUSSY you have given birth with that is your ONLY VAGINAL FUCK to the point of possessiveness by the FUCKER.
ANAL ALAN sex deprived.
Look IMELINDA I earned my keep of my DICK FARM so you FUCK WHEN I say so and all FUCKING is using the big OPPOSITE first IN then OUT.and so on...
I need a FAG DICK FARM to catch up and this is the scoop I am the FAG and you are the DICK FARM.