Skull Gang, a upcoming gang from the discord CEO on discord. Already caught around 100 bodies total.
(Do Not Interact with this gang, consequences will happen.)
“On Skull Gang”
A gang consisting of many kids ranging from 8 to 16 year olds. The Flounder Gang are mostly found at playgrounds after 8:00 P.M. and are pretty loud.
"Hey honey, I'm gonna go for a night walk with the dog." "Okay sweetie, but avoid the playground the Flounder Gang might be there."
SSPA gang is a rap group based out of Massachusetts. Their most famous song “SSPA-Grind” was #1 on the charts from 32 B.C to present day.
Peter: what’s that great song you’re listening to?
Me: It’s SSPA Gang’s SSPA-Grind you idiot lizard man!
A little "gang" consisted of grade 8's, grade 9's, and some grade 10's. It also originated in North Vancouver, BC.
"Yo, that kid is in the KLS Gang, don't mess with him unless you know what you're doing."
A really bad song that will kill your ears as soon as you click on the video
“Sorry I can’t hear you”
“I listened to Gucci Gang”
Gucci gang gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
Gucci gang gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
Slang for ceiling gang, which is cringe
Toby thinks he is Gucci gang but he is actually cringe.