Source Code

jade johnson

A Vin Diesel looking, bitch ass nigger

Jade Johnson looks like Vin Diesl, bitch ass nigger.

by naier April 25, 2018

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Downtown Johnson

Two people having sex with eachother front to front style, but they do not face eachother. So instead of it looking like: =, it looks like 0_--o.

Person 1: My girlfriend gave me a Downtown Johnson.
Person 2: Oh, how was it?
Person 1: Awesome, but I think couldnt see her face when i got sober.

by pens0087 June 22, 2009

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Ball Johnson

When receiving fellatio and the person deep throats your entire shaft and either licks of swallows your balls at the same time.

That chick last night sucked me up and gave me the good Ball Johnson

by Strick da Dick July 18, 2011

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royal rob johnson

Self induced injury directly resulting from alcohol abuse

Y’all hear Amanda broke her ankle while drunk at the trampoline park?
Yup, doctor told her it was a textbook Royal Rob Johnson

by Easy E, big up September 24, 2018

pee wee johnson

one who acts like a chandler.


by alvin yakamorieyi May 22, 2009

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Gary E. Johnson

Former governor of New Mexico, one of those old old style conservative types. Might be the guy who is going to end up replacing Ron Paul as that third party/independent libertarian you always see on the Internet.

Google Gary E. Johnson, fools.

Or, look at the Internet when people start getting angry about the 2012 election.

by EpicPrediction August 25, 2009

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magic johnson's disease

The new vernacular for HIV/AIDS. Just as ALS is known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, so too is HIV/AIDS known as 'Magic Johnson's Disease' after its most famous contractor.

Magic loved to get his D wet, but now he got a disease named after him.

You best be careful with that girl or you'll end with that Magic Johnson's Disease.

by Cornelius Vanderbuilt April 11, 2007

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