Source Code

Dirty Log Polisher

This is when a man and a women are doing anal and the woman takes a shit on the man's penis and then the woman gives the man a fellatio immediately.

Why would I even want a dirty log polisher?

by Sir Anonymous the VII May 13, 2010

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Pecan log roll

The act of eating 4 cups of pecans 5 hours prior to defecating on a girl's face, while your homeboi chokes her till her eyes roll back into her head.

"Tamy freaked last night when Randall and I gave her a pecan log roll."

by George Richard Sweet June 14, 2008

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Log Cabin

The act of re-using a condom.

Just like a log cabin, the condom becomes shoddier with each use and will eventually break or fall apart

Two Guys at a Party:

Guy 1: Dude, theres a wasted chick downstairs that wants to NAIL me!

Guy 2: So what the HELL are you doing up here?!

Guy 1: I don't have a condom. Please dude, you Gotta help me!

Guy 2: Well, you can take one from my waste basket if you don't mind giving her a little Log Cabin action!

by Tom K. February 7, 2005

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taking the log to the beaver

having vaginal sex.
vaginal fucking.
vaginal intercourse.
also refered to as loading the torpedo.

"lets take the log to the beaver tonight, johanne."

"he was taking the log to the beaver last night, im surprised i didnt gnaw it right off!"

by asjghaergtywurtysryqer February 26, 2009

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lay down a log

to take a large shit

yeah mate I'll be right back just gotta lay down a log

by citropussy October 30, 2015

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Tap your Log

To beat your pud. That thing that faggots do in a group on Saturday afternoons in the park.

Percival and Lemony agree that the park is a fine place to tap your log.

by Cap'n Bullmoose November 1, 2007

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Sacramento Steam Log

This worldwide favorite involves opening up a girl's vagina and pooping in it. Then proceed to go to town. Once you cum all over that bitch's, have her quief it out.

I totally laid a big fat Sacramento Steam Log on John's mom last night.

by Waldo Poopy February 1, 2009

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