Source Code

big M's

baseball running drill, where you start at third base run to the foul pole, run to second base then to the foul pole and sprint to first in under 53 seconds. Shorewood baseballs favorite drill.

why are you out of breath?

cause i just finished a some big M's.

oh damn

by bomber9 March 27, 2010

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Lily M

The most idiotic person you would ever meet in your life, even though she may seem pretty she is not.
The only word she says is ranga and ligma but with that aside she will fight you if you temot her.

Boy:Hey Lily M i think i like you *blushes
Lily: damn nigga you get on my nerves damn head ass

by uwu.bitch April 3, 2019

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two extremely hot, friendly, outgoing, nice, smart girls

wow!!! those two are such m&mgirls!!!!!!

by wghoops June 10, 2009

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Street name for the neighborhood of Morningside in Northeastern Atlanta. Home to many a cultured, upper-middle class white person with pride for everything they represent. Also home to a lot of Jews and queers.

What hood you reppin?
-M-Side muthafucka

by J-Hutch March 14, 2005

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Olivia m

Olivia would be a new level of judgmental. An Olivia up toughness by telling you you're a fuckboy. I barely have enough anger to type this it's all a joke wannabes like Olivia need to get an anger check if you ask me.

You want a bitch who was down to earth but spend all your time in the sky

Me:Hey I'm really sorry Olivia m

Olivia: fuck yourself just die and fight me but I'm calling the cops

by Indie loserrrrrrrr June 6, 2018

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Any town/city beggining with the letter "M". Many people who live in places that start with the letter "M" and call their city/town M-town, attempt to claim ownership of the word...no original origin exists.

TX kid, in Marshall: "I live in M-town."
TN kid, in Memphis: "No, I live in M-town."

by Court4282 January 16, 2008

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m dub

Short form for man whore. Also see MW.

That guy is such an M Dub, he follows the three p's....pimpin, pinting, and punishing the weak.

by RMT2B February 18, 2006

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