my boyfriends.
not poly or anything but like... The pillar men are all totally my boyfriends
A type of the male specimen that like to shove 2 to 3 cocks in both there mouth and ass.
Landon, cole, and Hudson, like to suck and get fucked everyday due to the gayness of the men that spray tan.
They Are Men Who Are Trust Worthy But Are Very Sly And Undereath Hoes. They're sexy asf but deadly.
For example:
All la brea men are hoes
Men who know nothing about making the first move, being chivalrous or courting a lady first. They expect the woman to make the first move always.
Girl I'm sick of these pandemic men always asking me what are we doing !!
A group of three or men is know as a “fear of men”.
I was at the club when walking out of the rest room when I walked right into a “Fear of Men” arguing with the bouncer. Men are always worse in groups.
The worst qualities of a mountain man are often associated with granola boyfriends. However, mountain men bring it to another level (get it bc mountains are high). They wear classic red flannel, cargo pants and combat boots. Their natural habitats are huts, ditches or even igloos. Favorite activities include hunting (w/o permits) and fishing because they really like their meat ;). Physical appearances often includes a man bun and long merlin beards. Also mistaken for lumberjacks. They're ready to drink whisky at anytime of the day with their best friend Balto (hunting dog b/c people such) by their side.
A person seeking to keep the church from being disenfranchised.
anti-dis-establish-men-tar-ian is a person, and a anti-dis-establish-men-tar-ian-ism is a mindset.