A documentation/ inventory of noobs-- helpful for pure pwnage on such games as WoW and other MMORPG.
Jar's real world player Mike, took note of the various noobs in his game in his noob stock, to make sure he brought pwn unto them as frequently as he came across their noobish nuissance.
Someone who thinks they’re great at everything, but are actually terrible at them. A Hiney Noob is known to be very aggressive and demanding towards other people, but bring nothing to the table themselves. Never listen to a Hiney Noob.
Friend 1: “Brah my boss sucks. He does not know how to run his company at all.”
Friend 2: “Sounds like a real Hiney Noob brah”
Going all out on a new player. Often to make the new player stop playing the game.
"He has been noob crushing for three hours now."
"This guy is a noob crusher."
when someone tell you “NOOB HAHA” that means (depends if your in a game) YOU ARE BAD AT THE GAME but if IN irl YOU ARE BAD AT LIFE (or the person who’s saying it is really toxic/ jealous)
A grenade launcher or rocket launcher noobs use in cod. Also is a item in the best game ever created called roblox which shoots noobs at people
Noob:I has a grenade launcher
Pro guy:you fucking noob you suck stop using noob tubes and learn to aim and quickscope you fucking faggot cunt
Noob: :(
A very small YouTuber that posts Pretty good videos
Hey, do you know who Wee Noob is. Ya I do
These are cops who are usually 11 in most video games. They have no idea of the rules and go around shooting every one and DMING fellow cops.
Cop A shoots at Cop B: OMG U FUCKING NOOB COP!