the most retarded and annoying mushroom blondie on the planet... he looks like an auchwitz survivor... he makes me want to jump out of my window
wow that kid must be nathan sigel... he's pissing me off!
It means to be cute and very attractive and have a fire topper fade
You are looking Nathan Bitzy today
A person commonly associated with the lord and savior Jesus, better than lorenzo, and very awesome and is not gay and hates gay people.
id definitely hang out with a Nathan Underwood if he even existed
The absolute chode king, somehow pulls negative girls and has an ego bigger that their future. Also, a Nathan Alvey somehow manages to have a dick smaller that a frog hair
Damn...that man is a real Nathan Alvey.. he has no bulge and he is soooo ugly
Nathan Mulligan is a special person. He loves sports and Fortnite, but he also cares the absolute most about his friends and family. If you ever start crying, he will be the first one to comfort you, and he will be the first one to make you laugh. He will always be able to cheer
You up and he will always care about his friends the most. He will never hurt any of his friends purposefully, and he will make jokes with everyone around him. He will always stick up for his friends and prefers to be called Malligan over Nathan Mulligan. He blushes... A LOT... But do sent have a crush. Anyone is SUPER lucky to even have met him and even more lucky to be his friend. He is probably the nicest, most generous, most appreciative person you could have as a friend. You will never, EVER meet someone as pure hearted and amazing as Nathan Mulligan, so spend every minute you have with him like it is your last.
"Everyone hates you!" Screamed Michael.
Hannah dropped the expo marker she was holding in her hand and began to cry.
Nathan Mulligan walked in and said, "what happened?!?!?!"
"Michael said that everyone hates me." Hannah mumbled under her breath.
"WHERE IS HE?!?!" Mulligan screamed. Hannah laughed. Mulligan did always cheer her up.
he is a bald teacher with an awesome tiktok account who lives off rice milk.
guy 1: oh who's that?
guy 2: oh that's just gangster Nathan Rennie!