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Pine Mouth

When a bitter or metallic-like taste appears to have taken over your taste buds for days, causing all foods and beverages to be distasteful and unbearable. A possible side effect of eating rancid pine nuts.

Even my Tim Tam cookies taste bad because of this pine mouth. I knew I shouldn't have eaten those candied toasted pine nuts that came with my salad, but I couldn't resist them at the time.

by Treelane November 15, 2010

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Meat Mouth

An omnivore, carnivore, or meat eater.

Caroline: So how was your date with Tim?
Emily: I don't know... We went to dinner and dude ordered a hamburger.

Caroline: Ew. He's a meat mouth?

Emily: Yup. I mean, I liked him, but now that I've seen him chew and swallow a burned-up animal, I'm grossed out.

Caroline: I don't blame you.
Emily: Just the idea of sticking my tongue in his mouth makes me want to puke.

by shadesofdrab May 12, 2015

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mean mouth

To mother fuck someone.Talk about someone behind their back.

Jeff was mean mouthing joe to me the other day?

by Mocha1 November 24, 2013

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Mouth Darts

Mouth Darts (Also known in some areas as - Fukimi-bari):

These small darts are held in the mouth and blown into the face of an opponent as a surprise attack. Up to 10 of them can be carried in the mouth. They can be fired singly or all at once. Obviously, since the darts are carried in the mouth, they cannot be poisoned (unless the ninja is willing to suffer the effects of the poison as well or she must be named Melissa). Furthermore, the darts have a very poor range and are almost never effective against any type of armor (Unless being used with poison by a ninja named Melissa); However for users of the Mouth Dart that do not hold the name Melissa, these darts can have the advantage of being a surprise or distraction because they are a hidden weapon.

"Here, shoot these rad Mouth Darts with your water drinker!" Said Nate.

by mels.bels March 15, 2011

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book mouth

Relating to a fellatious woman. A skank, whore, ho, prostitute, chickenhead, etc.

That book mouth tramp can suck a golfball through a garden hose.

by Mike October 10, 2004

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Kempston Mouth

the taste of vagina mixed with the lingering taste of alcohol that remains in your mouth throughout the day because the individual has eaten out a chick the night before after being very drunk and then was unable to brush their teeth throughout the day.

"man i had the taste of kempston mouth throughout the day because of that crazy night."

by AKemps June 23, 2009

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rat mouth

The feeling left in the mouth and throat after a heavy nights drinking. Impossible to brush out, eat out, sleep out or get rid of in any way.

Rob: Alright Olli, what you get up to last night.

Olli: Got fucking rat assed on vodka at some party then like passed out on some girls bed.

Rob: Sounds heavy

Olli: Yeah man I have serious rat mouth right about now

by DeeTown November 7, 2008

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