Source Code

Accidental Drunk

Occurs during the hours of 1pm-10pm. Happens when alcohol participate inadvertently gets hammy, but are allowed to call an "accidental drunk" and fully neglect the actions of their drunkness and the fact that it ever happened.

After a few a lunch time drinks Rebecca narrowly escaped a disciplinary hearing at her job by calling accidental drunk.

by thewomprat January 7, 2012

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Drunk Bomb

The art of drunk texting someone with words of nonsense very similar to a drunk dial.

Sarah- i just got a text from Dirk that said "I jtste codc all ocioer yup."

Nancy- awwwww girl you got drunk bombed.

by YaYaYaDig? February 11, 2010

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Lovey Drunk

Drunk enough to get drawn on, but still trying to get laid

Your boy is so drunk, that he cannot notice he is being drawn on while he is trying to get laid by an ugly girl, he is lovey drunk

by Jameson Tomorrow May 1, 2010

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Cheerios Drunk

A level of drunk so profound that you have an incessant need for Cheerios or another food and no amount of embarrassment will stop you.

Dang did you see Nicole last night? She was Cheerios Drunk, she was eating them straight off the floor faster then my dyson could.

by Ace 26 July 2, 2017

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jj drunk

When you get really drunk on the team bus. Weather you're on the team or not.

Hey man how was the game last night?

Good but our dads got JJ drunk!

by Tommy560987 January 24, 2014

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Mistretta Drunk

To become so highly intoxicated that you have a seizure

Padre: Son, I want you to know that I'ma pin ta get mistretta drunk at your homecoming dance tonight

Son: Sounds good father, I plan on doing the same

by bobthehob September 29, 2011

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Sleep Drunk

When you're so tired you start making zero sense in conversation

A:So how was the movie?

Q:"Well excuuuuuuuuse me?!?!. I got zero termOq Ll anyway, I'll ft back later info say.".
A: What are you TALKING about? Are you sleep drunk already? It's only 12:30!
Q:itS, I dOnt evEn thiNk to do tHe stuFf !!
A:........just gotobed you pieceof shof

by Itsa Me Chui January 26, 2019

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