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Teejasaurous Rex

A man that has a way with the ladies that makes other men jealous but is terrified of vaginas. He loves nights hanging out on porches with torches, burning witches to their scorches. Loves nipples, because without them tits would have no point. Wahooo.

The teejasaurous Rex walked into the porch ready to get crazy with nipples and torches while yelling.... "wahooo!"

by Ladogg8828 December 5, 2016

Pimpasaurus Rex

Pimpasaurus Rex is a derogatory term for someone who is of Jewish decent

Yo yo yo wassup pimpasaurus rex?”

Kill yourself

by _#%^*> April 2, 2022

queerasauras rex

People named Levi and Gavin are queerasauras rex's.

"Man Gavin and Levi are some queerasauras rex's!"

by daddy556 November 1, 2021

Tiranosour Rex

a dinossaur that is too salty and keeps making walls of text in other people's videos. what an asshole.

dude, can you stop being such a Tiranosour Rex?

by Stupid Server Owner April 22, 2017

Snatchasaurus rex

An unusually large or jurassic sized vagina.

While watching an " x-rated "movie, A closeup of the girls vagina revealed a watermelon inside it so large only a snatchasaurus Rex could swallow it..

by Adam210001charlie February 25, 2018

Skaggasauras Rex

A very intensified version of a skagg

Did you witness the skaggasauras Rex???

by Fuckily May 19, 2019

T-rex job

A sexual act where the girls hands are at the bottom of the dick ,and the guy grabs her head and pushes it down on his dick repeatedly making her gag.

Dude my girlfriend gave me a T-Rex job last night.

by Sexguide January 9, 2018