Typically used when:
• Something is really not tough at all
• Something is "tough" for someone but you couldn't care less.
• Said by someone whos isn't paying attention
-Omg! They cancelled my favourite show! Nooooo
-Damn that's tough
“A word used to discribe Luke fletcher”
Damn fool defined is extremely foolish or stupid, That boy Luke fletcher is a Damnnn fooool
used to highlight a point, particularly when the speaker is furious.
I told you three times not to touch that vase! You damn well better clean up this mess before I lose my temper!
God damn wrong are the practices ideas rhymes and people who are wrong according to the church of god damn right
That shits god damn wrong according to the church of god damn right
Damn is used for expressing mostly frustration, anger and surprise, a short word for "Damned" too ( disapproval, be condemned by god to suffer eternal punishment in hell )
Damn, he got me good!
Damn you!
Damn i cant take it anymore!!!