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Emily is the type of person who has issues and uses it as an excuse to be a bitch to someone they usually have a lot of baggage and your biggest problem in social groups and usually a fake friend

"Can't believe that sket"
"Sounds like and Emily "

by Alex's is123 August 23, 2019

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Biggest bitch there ever was. Everyone thinks she’s so perfect and nice and the sweetest angel, but she’ll stab you in the back the minute the gets a chance. She acts like your best friend one minute but then ditches you and betrays you the next. But it’s okay though, because she got fat and ugly after high school and probably crushes her twig of a boyfriend in bed. We hope she dies in the worst way possible, but Coronavirus will do.

β€œWow, what an ugly fat bitch. Her name must be Emily.”

by Karma6660 March 20, 2020

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Douche-canoe bitch

Emily the girl sitting over there.

by Scralixy January 26, 2020

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She soooo cool and goes good with Emma’s

I’m Emily’s friend

Let me guess are you Emma?

by Emily contortion June 9, 2019

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1. Mild mannered, easily offended tone deaf supporter of Karen.
2. Delusional Karen Supporter with a lack of education on social issues, history and ethics

This Emily can not be serious about comparing Karen to the N-Word.

by FCKEMALL May 29, 2020

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a musical theater obsessed bitch thats also just turned 18

person: oh emily yeah she loves musicals

by ellsbells2703 July 18, 2020

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A girl who looks like a man and loves to cheat. She secretly loves a boy called James but wont admit it to anyone. She is very bitchy and stuck up and loves attention. She is up her own arse and her mum hates boys called Isaac.

See that Emily there? Shes a right mong

by dfefsifseriagr December 18, 2018

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