The official week where everything is EVIL.
Happens every year from August 23-30th!!
Add EVIL to your usernames and act EVIL the whole time. 😈
“dude i cant wait for EVIL week im gonna be so EVIL you dont understand.. 😈” “omg!”
Takes place between Oct 11 thru 17.
Nobody may say GIF as JIF, and if they do, they get arrested by the shrek police and must be taken to Hell by Jod.
I love National Gif-Has-A-Hard-G Week!
Blowjob week is that time of the month when your partner is all the time in her knees because your genitals are addictive. And also because she might be on her period. Partners who are happy celebrating Blowjob Week are rare! Mostly Latinas.
-I haven’t seen Scott and Karla for over a week are they?
-They are perfectly fine! just elongating Blowjob week because they both love it ao much!
A week where you can slap anyone ass without them getting mad April 3-9
Can I slap your ass because it's slap ass week
slap ass week is every friday where you can slap a guy or a girls ass.
watch out, it’s slap ass week!!
When one is on her menstrual, that time of the month,
My chubby week started today .
Grab/Slap Anyones Ass All Week!
Carly: hey john
John: can i grab your ass
Carly: why not its national grab ass week