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Dumb Zombies

When you have 3+ drunken girls who have been smoking weed and just got raped by 5+ Asians, orgasming all over the floor and they can't stop.

I saw some girls just get dumb zombied!

I think i saw a few dumb zombies.

by Pussyeater985 November 3, 2010

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zombie punch

is your last alternative when one is surrounded by zombies and their ammunition is depleted and they have lost any melee weapon they once possesed.

Bob executed a flawless zombie punch.

by SlayerPro December 29, 2011

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zombie bait

In the event of the zombie apocalypse these people can be very useful, they are stripped naked and be tied to a tree or other similar objects as a sacrifice to the zombies.


Person 1: "can I take salvage at your place in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
Person 2: "yes but you have to be the zombie bait"

by anon reach October 28, 2009

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Rob Zombie

This guy with a tired image who keeps doing the same shit over and over.

Rob - "OK, guys; this one's in D"

by AdamH April 2, 2005

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Haduken Zombie

The most badass of all zombies, known for having Halo-like lunge/uppercut techniques; except they hardly use a sword because theyre so badass.
-they are supreme over the other kinds of zombies.
-they have acid sperm.
-they frequently rape Hitler zombies.

oh shit son! zombie apocolypse is real!

oh shit, its just a bitchy Hitler zombie.


person:dayumm them zombies!!

random other person: hey- they arent just zombies

*pumps shotun*

them is Haduken Zombies!!

person: *pants turn brown* OMFG ZOINKS -WTF I SAID ZOINKS!


by stapleface the great April 24, 2009

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zombie strippers

the best loow budget movie with lots of tits and bloody tits. Also they shoot golf balls and pool balls out of there women parts.

Eat this you ugly moldy "zombie strippers" slut

by x bjn x February 25, 2011

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Zombie Mask

When you skeet in a bitch's face, thereby gluing her eyes shut forever. Usually followed by a snowball, forming the devastating one-two punch.

Hellen Keller wasn't actually blind at birth, her dad just Zombie Masked her when she was four because she was so fucking stupid she needed a teacher to figure out what water was.

by Sex em' up! January 2, 2007

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