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Airhead Jordan

An increasingly popular disparaging and well-deserved nickname for the twice-failed candidate for Speaker of the House, Jim Jordan.

We like to call him ‘Shit for Brains’ but somehow ‘Airhead Jordan’ seems a little catchier.

by Dr Bunnygirl October 20, 2023

Jordan Mcdorman

a Jordan Mcdorman is gay and has no friends he has a tiny penis and loves cock

omg is that jordan mcdorman doesnt he like dick and he has a tiny dick to

by Carter Schar April 4, 2019

A Jordan Story

A "Jordan Story" is a story that has no purpose or real ending but instead fizzles out with a long build-up, only to never reach a true climax, or to have a climax that lacks any real significance. These stories are typically followed by Jordan Frasca giggling about the story to herself, making them actually funny.

Um...okay? what was the point of that? that was just A Jordan Story.

by bsmithers April 14, 2019

Jordan Duffy

A pug lookin muthafucka who needs to take a goddamn shower.

Jesus Christ, did you smell that kid? He's a Jordan Duffy...

by SaltyAdolf February 16, 2016

vanilla jordan

Coolest dude you will ever meet get mad pussy smokes good blunts says funny shit hot as hell

Vanilla Jordan-my eyes are sticky

by Djckrocoa November 6, 2017

jordan elbridge

small area in ny mostly farming quite yet can cause trouble. elementary school is good middle school is a mess and high school is ok. but for the most part its small and somewhat ordered

jordan elbridge is a small area

by reeeeeebeeeee July 13, 2019

jordan betts

child predator that perves on girls that are 13 and when he gets exposed he’s like, oh shit thought she was atleast 16

hey ur pretty cute, don’t tell ranpy boys xo from jordan betts xx

by jordan betts April 12, 2020