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What Are Those?!

A saying derived from a viral Vine Video where a man sees a cop with off-brand shoes and screams out "What are Those!?" . Now it is used when ever someone has odd looking, off brand, or fake shoes. Also the video inspired many other videos and even an App that has a button that uses the audio from the video and says "What are those!?" when pressed - www.amazon.c o m/ iDesign-DC-What-Those-Button/dp/B010W4W60K

Bobby came to school with some fake Jordans and the Jumpman Logo was all wrong...... His friend James waited until recess and in the middle of a crowd pointed at his shoes and screamed "What are those?! "

by davatl93 January 6, 2016

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what the ass?!

A phrase that can be used instead of "what the hell" or "what the fuck". This phrase, however, is much radder and should only be used by people who are really fabulous.

Bill: Hey Bob. I just saw a nude man on rollerskates.

Bob: What the ass?!

by joyyyy, HOLLA October 22, 2008

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Whats Shaking

Like saying whats up

Yo my niggaa whats shaking

by KINGREUBEN September 10, 2008

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What's popping?

A greeting used when you begin a conversation with someone and want to see if there's anything new with them.

-What's popping?
-Nothing much, what's popping with you?
-I bought a new car today...

by Paul Clarke February 26, 2007

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whats hannen

1. they way people down south greet each other.

2. they way they say whats up or whats happening

Yo homeboy says whats up u reply with::

"Whats hannen"

by ESPN is My Life May 19, 2008

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detroit what

What one says to someone else after wronging/intimidating (see Detroiting) someone in order to let the victim know that they have finished Detroiting them.

Andy steals Justin's wallet in a back alley, then proceeds to shoot his kneecaps. before leaving Andy exclaims "Detroit what?!" to Justin and escapes the scene of the crime.

by administrator July 9, 2013

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What is Love?

Love is constrained optimsation.

What is Love? It is the maximised value of the utility function with respect to others such that the capacity of the heart and mind for empathy is less than or equal to its constraint.

by ConstrainedOptimiserNumber4387 March 3, 2018

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