Troy Farthings favourite phrase to use. Troy Farthing’s amber army
Best Cambridge fan you
Wow hero you
suicidal fuel
filled with clan rats
me: hey wanna heroes battlegrounds?
kurt cobain: 💀
gacha game
clan rats
me: hey wanna heroes battlegrounds?
kurt cobain: 💀
The main man. Usually works first shift and does nothing but sit at his desk. Always complains about working on his floors. Never comes in on time and bitches about how hard it is to get dressed and come to work. Also talks with a nasaly voice and is always in search of Coke.
"There he is again. Little bitch taking a nap at his desk making me do all the work. Thats why he's the Molding Hero."
A hero syndrome is a syndrome that makes the person who has it act like a hero. They are desperately trying their best to help others, and when they fail they feel guilty and it can even lead to suicidal thoughts.
I shouldn’t vent to this person if there is no solution to my problem, they have Hero Syndrome.
the craziest, most experimental, extravagant, psychedelic, unique, sexiest, amazing, rawest, nihilistic, liberalist, most bat-shit insane mess of a hip-hop album to ever bless your ears
peggyphan420: "yo man have you heard of All My Heroes Are Cornballs?"
homosexualman69: "yea dawg, that shit changed my life."
an indie animated series turned webcomic by niche internet artist moniimous. follows four teenagers and a dog fighting a bunch of gray aliens using magic powers that come from shapes that come from rainbow aliens.
man I love gell heroes! it has rainbow aliens :) and genocide :)