Definition 1 leading or luring someone into saying what you want to hear
Definition 2 making someone say something to make you feel better
Often used by pick-me girls or Niceguys
Guy: no one likes me,I bet even you wouldn't date me.
Y/N: No,I um would definitely date you...but
Guy: great see you Friday!
Guy is Baiting Y/N into going out with him
A tactic used by lonely social media trolls to lure victims into their comments only for their own amusement. This is done by posting pejorative comments, random arguments, and offensive statements to rile up those they are clearly trying to offend enough to pay attention to them. This is so that they can spend their time trolling you in the comments section and tagging you on every opinion they have on the subject and why they are correct.
Facebook Example
Absolutely Nobody:
Baiter Comments: Trump is a genius and only idiots who don't understand politics would disagree with the way he ran this country.
Bait: I disagree and here is why... Etc.
I want to comment, but it's clear this guy is just baiting people in the comments to get a rise or response from the people who don't share his opinion. Probably best to just ignore it and move on with our lives.
To not follow through with a plan.
Person A: Is she still coming to the party?
Person B: Nah I don’t think she is. She’s baiting.
A woman at a bar or other social setting who is overly flirty but aggressively turns down any physical advances.
I thought she was into me, but when I tried to kiss her, she screamed "rape" and ran away.
Yeah, she did that to me too. She's total smooch bait.
Another way of saying "don't be obvious" when you're doing something that you don't want someone to know about.
*Friend 1 leaves his cookies lying around*
Friend 2 to Friend 3: Imma steal some
*Leaves pack in a different position*
Friend 3: Bro don't make it bait
Friend 2: My bad
*Moves it back to make it not bait*
When you think it’s under pressure but it’s actually ice ice baby
The radio: do do do do do do dooo
Radio: ice ice baby
Elizasmith: darn it, it was Queen baiting