Source Code

Bucket Rate

The percentage of party goers that required the use of a bucket or other vomit receptacle.

We had a record 20% bucket rate at the 2010 ERTW mixer.

by Toastee_ March 8, 2010

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zookeeper's bucket

A mish-mash of similar items some of higher quality than others

"It was a bit of a zookeeper's bucket of a set from Zverev" - tennis commentator Mark Petchey

by Monkswell September 30, 2022

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beaver bucket

Old VW Rabbit convertibles popular with college co-eds back in the day. The rollbar over the top is the bucket handle, the car is the bucket, and the chicks inside are the beaver.

Sandy and her girlfriends pulled up to the beach party in their beaver bucket.

by Yukon Kizmiaz August 9, 2008

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smale bucket

Is a girl with a huge vagina from having sex with to many differnt chavs

Ahaa i bet she got a smale bucket, dirty bitch

by ciatbastard September 5, 2010

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Fuck-it Bucket

A bucket or gallon jug you keep close to the bed and use to pee in when the bathroom is just too far away.

Is it that difficult to just walk down the stairs? Mike's got at least 3 fuck-it buckets sitting next to his bed.

by Ack11 March 13, 2016

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Fuck-It Bucket

For when you don't want to do something, you say "Ah, just chuck it in the Fuck-It Bucket", such as work and school work. Also can be said by either party speaking when you DO want to do something. "Ah, chuck me in your Fuck-It Bucket, please." ;)

Man the homework we have is stupid, and the teacher never checks it. I'm chucking it into the Fuck-It Bucket".

by Run-TMZ January 26, 2017

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Sandy bucket

A Sandy bucket occurs on the rare occasion when you are about to plummet yo chap into a sexy sexy lady and then out of nowhere a cartoon squirrel in a weird underwater costume flies out and smacks you one in the ballocks. Bet you still go for the pussy afterwards though, ya lil go getter.

Did you hear? On friday night Sam got a sandy bucket? Poor guy.
Yeah but he still got llllllaiiiid
(Sam calls)
Guys I can't come out tonight my balls are all purple and I think I have an allergy to rodents there's a rash on my puebs

by Crumpet bucker October 28, 2016

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