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DAB (drunk ass bitch)

refers to someone that is too drunk and engages in drunk ass bitch behavior. This term is not a bad thing, and can be used to compliment someone’s sense of fun. Can also be used to describe how drunk someone is or was.

You were such a DAB last night, LOL!
Dude, you were are such a fun DAB when you drink!
I’m literally such a DAB!

by MACHO.UCLA.BRUIN November 10, 2022


Cancer - an over used "dance" move
Never... never

Action is dine by putting your forhead on your arms like your wiping greace off with hand flat and straight while the other arm is straight completely Like you are pointing to the side
And the head is looking down

Dab on those haters

by Fuck dabbing i despice it December 4, 2018


Dab is a stupid dancemove that now is something you do when you do something cool.

Person 1: **does a backflip**
Person 2: Cool
Person 1: **dabs**
Person 2: Ok i'm leaving

by Ya mom is not cool September 14, 2017




by oof me June 11, 2018


Dank ass drug or dumbass gesture.

Normal people: Wanna take a dab?
12 Year olds or muble rappers: “Hits the dab

by lildickgangggggggggggg March 15, 2019


When you use your arms to atttpt to open up your inner swag that's not there

A sentence with the word dab

by 😓😓😓😓 March 26, 2017


Dumb Ass Bitch(es)
what one view about another (said mostly by women) that in their opinion is not smart or its unacceptable to keep doing... something a person or a friend would not put up with from a man or woman that the other might...

She gotta be a DAB to keep going back to him!
These DAB(s) today are ridiculous!

Friend don't be a DAB...stay away from him

by LadyB#44 March 18, 2021