Dylan Allen is the goat snm he is the sexiest guy on the planet don't try argue cause it's a fact. HE IS THE GOAT 😎🐐
1: is that dylan allen ?
2: ye he is the fucking goat
1: i know
2: sexiest guy i've ever seen wtf
if you have the same name to a corresponding dylan you must add them on snap
“wait ur names dylan too?!”
“ok now you gotta add me on snap”
“according to who?”
“the law of the dylan’s”
“oh ok”
if two dylan’s have the same name they have to add each other on snapchat
“yo you’re name is dylan?”
“mine is too!”
remember the law of the dylan’s you gotta add me on snap now”
“ok i guess”
This is one of the most fascinating and funny human you'll ever meet. If you ever need company a Dylan is the right choice, ITS RAINING MEN, AMEN! oh did I mention hes funny to? Well if that's not enough to make u want a dylan, he also has a large penis!
Damn that was Dylan Bennett?
Yeah! he gave me a good night! ;)
Hey, can I borrow him?
Dylan’s penis is ridiculously small. He befuddles everyone who sees it. An absolute shrimp and a mood killer to any girl who sees.
What’s smaller then small can get. Dylan’s Penis
The best friend ANYONE can ask for he will be there with you through thick and thin
See that handsome devil over there? That's DEFINITELY a Dylan Fahl
Someone who is of the tan complexion with brown eyes. They have streched ears and few piercings. Dylan McKittricks LOVE tattoos and play Modern Warfare 2 way too much. They enjoy heavy metal aswell. Overall nice people. Can be abit crazy at times but you will get used to it. Loves boobies.
OMG look at that Dylan McKittrick.