A person (generally a dude) who devours fanny.
"Man Tiger Woods goes crazy when he gets a whiff of fanny, I think he slept with like three chicks at that party at Jorge's last week", "Yeah bro, Tiger's a fanny monster all right."
Where the vagina/ lower clit looks like punched lasagne. Very loose looking and dangly.
Oi oi she’s got a saggy fanny look at state on that sket mush.
magazines (mags) with photographs of vaginas (fannies) in them
(me working as an inmate librarian) Hello I have the fanny mags for one such person and another such person.
(Male prison officer) hahhahhahahah Fanny Mags? Hahahahhahhahaha
(Female prison officer) Its what they are.
When you are with another girl and start tickling her vagina
You: so I gave Cassie a fanny tiddle last night
When old men place their long ass balls in a sock a pull them through the legs and tie off behind the back.
Tired of sitting on them, the old man tucked his balls behind his back into a full reverse fanny pack.
Hanging up your Fanny pack after a long day of being a fuck boy.
Bro 1: “bro I’ve been at a rave all night, where can I ‘hook the Fanny’?”