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Cairns high

A crappy high school in Cairns, far north Queensland. Although it is undeniably trash, it is probably the least trash school in Cairns.

Although that's not saying much.
Given your other options are:
A druggo at tbay
A thief at wooree
Gay at saints or monnies
Broke at TAS
A sex worker at Redlynch
or Ignored at Saint Mary's

It's important to note that Cairns high, is (undeniably) better than brissie state high - as demonstrated by just about every fanfare (a state run school music competition).

(Except that time the Cairns high symphony orchestra lost a hecking percussion ensemble)

I'm not gonna lie, if you want your kids to get an education move away from Cairns.

Monnies girl 1: I can't believe we came second at Eisteddfod again.
Monnies girl 2: I think Cairns high bribes the judges

by Yeetyboi420 November 29, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Similar to "back in the day". Usage signifies that you have known said person for a long time; technically since you were little kids who were only as tall as the lower leg of an adult. Your height was "knee high".

Aaron: Hey man, that kid Sam is a real chiller. How do you know him?
Ben: He's been my boy for a while. I know that kid from knee-high

by marshy boy December 7, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

High C

Being high off Marijuana and Triple C's

A state of high in which the overrated saying "Im high as fuck" really is legit.

Chino: Im high off as fuck, this weed was some good shit.
Locster: Oyea you high af huh? Wait till these triple c's kick in, your gonna enter a whole new world.

*waits 30 minutes*
Chino: These triple c's aint kick in mane, triple c's suck yo.
Locster: Chill ene they'll kick in sooner or later, trust me.

*waits 30 minutes*
Chino: Dam im in a high ivbe never felt before, i feel so energetic and jumpy, robotic, this shit aint no joke. Im truly high as fuck. This is a whole different story for me.
Locster: Welcome to my world, my high. *head twitches*
now that was High C, get some Spice and you'll be Spicy, Ha.

by Chango Locz January 22, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Aces High

A classic song by Iron Maiden. It is perhaps the most covered song in all of metal.

Children of Bodom covered Iron Maiden's "Aces High."

by Paradoxical Bum October 10, 2005

97๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rye High

High school where students constantly sport the preppy look, drive nicer cars than the teachers, & play tennis & Lacrosse. They treat school as an option senior year and laugh at their "security guards." Also infamous for parties and drinking.

I went to a Rye High party last weekend and they were drinking Merlot and Champagne

by rye girl May 2, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

High Pitch

One of those annoying faggot nine-to-eleven year olds on Halo, GOW, CoD, or another shooting game that constantly yells at the other players in their annoying prepubescent voices while silently orgasming at the bloodstains on their screens.

Boy: Ahhh! You poophead! Stop shooting me!
Veteran Player: Oh shut up you fucking high pitch

by AntimatterKING August 3, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

high speed

A drink that you buy in san francisco liquor stores. its 2 tiny bacardi limon's 1 seagrams gin and a red bull. it is sold along with a styrafoam cup a bag of ice a straw and lid.

Yo! you grabbing anything to drink before the club?

Yea, im gonna slide through the store and grab me a high speed.

Yo, grab me one too!!

fa sho

by sleezy415 May 26, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž