Jacob Moises Hernandez is name for those of very high intellect. While he may seem shy at first he really and I mean really shows his weird side. Some say he’s the funniest, smartest and most Mexican guy ever. While those statements may be true he can also come off as a dickhead. He’s can turn most shitty situations into a happy one but at the same time he can also ruin friendships in an instant because of the simple fact that he really don’t give a shit sometimes.
Guy 1: Wow! Did you hear what Jacob Hernandez did!?
Guy 2: Are you talking about how he got a 1600 on the SAT or how he told Brad to fuck off in front of everyone yesterday?
The best person in the world that has helped a lot of people
Me- Jacob day has helped me so much
Jacob is a very kind person he is good a sports like hockey and basketball.He like to have fun he has a lot of friends he will say what every comes to his mind. He is cute and smart and also small. He gets a lot of girls as his friends because of his personality he is great to be around.
Jacob nation is the best person every
A self centered person that only thinks about themselves, and will talk shit about you behind your back if you ever meet him/her. If you confront a Jacob Upton about talking bad about you behind your back, he/she will lie about it and pussy out of some kind of a conflict.
Look, dad! Is that a Jacob Upton?
Yes, son. You should avoid him.
is perfect in every single way. his smile is very contagious. his eyes are easy to get lost in. you could listen to his laugh forever. his voice is so calming.his hair is so nice. you would fall inlove with him in a milisecond. he is very smart, funny, sporty, kind, loving and he can bring a smile to your face without even trying. he would never make you do anything you don’t want to do and will listen to you whenever. He’s someone who you will regret losing. the most beautiful and amazing person to have in your life.
jacob j.w.c
A straight c- student who always dabs and and is bad at social studies but luckily his addicted soccer fan Yaya makes intellgince 59%.
Is this how show yourself as a Jacob Vang
A nice sorta bloke that likes to show off his big black truck. Although sometimes mostly a dick-head for not attending special events or social gatherings, possibly due to COD or other stupid games, there is a tendency to come back to being his friend or else he will hold a grudge forever, especially if you break his special 40cm ruler or steal/take/borrow his bag from Bio class and hide it somewhere else. Overall, a top bloke.
"I'm at Blitz". "Oh, you must be a Jacob V!"