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Rice Crispy Knees

If someone’s knees make that weird cracking noise when their being bent.

*mom bends over to pick something up and her knees crack.*
Kid: you got them rice crispy knees

by _Chickenbroth_ April 27, 2024

Ashhy 'knee' hazmijadalitshioushbinladenosama

one tenth of the size of a electron, universe's top 1 Tinder speedrunner

Ashhy 'knee' hazmijadalitshioushbinladenosama is a tinder bingener anjd sucam liktvac poo

by Ash bleans aka ash spleens November 27, 2024

restaurant knees

Fatigue and constant pain in the knees from repetitive movement, and frequently bending down.

Not sure how i'm gonna survive this shift, my restaurant knees are killing me, got any ibuprofin?

by Cooksense March 17, 2023

summer knees

The banged up knees children get when playing outside in shorts and dresses that don’t protect their knees from cuts and abrasions. It’s a wonderful phase for I absolving parents of the guilty from inevitable summer injuries.

Example: “How did Leroy cut his knee?” (With the suggested guilt implied of weren’t you watching him and why haven’t you bandaged it yet?)
Parent response: “Oh, he just has summer knees.”

Excellent phrase for free-range parents to know.

by SailOnJoe April 26, 2018

Bee's Knees

Something a white person says if they are trying to act black.

Also meaning cool, flavor of the month, etc.

Have you heard drop it like it's hot my homie? It is the Bee's Knees!

by fuckyourshit September 2, 2016

Bees Knees

Nicole Wheaton

- “You know Nicole Wheaton?”
- “Yeah! She’s the bees knees!”

by Glennyyy February 19, 2019

Pie knees

Very thick, large knees that resemble a mini pie. This trait is found on "able" women. Generally these women also have haunches and cankles.

Mmmm..that big bitch is fine with her big pie knees.

by Sexy Cedes December 3, 2008

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