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country music

Music that was once pretty respectable. Nowadays, it's been hijacked by rednecks singing about trucks, God, small town farms, and how America can do no wrong.

Country music's quality declined in reverse proportion to it's rise in mainstream popularity.

Compare good acts such as The Statler Brothers and Johnny Cash to modern acts such as Toby Keith and Trailer Park Choir.

by 87r747347435634634653245623 December 11, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

real music

(lucky me for getting here first)
n.Music made that that has no help of hot music video girls, implants, gimmicks, voice enhancers, steroids, or repeating a single lyric over and over because your big name and street cred will automatically make anyone buy your crappy rap music no matter how much it sucks and love it in fear of being socially rejected despite the fact that your early career as a free styler was a million times more inventive and would have impressed those haters at the FCC somehow and saved white people across the world a lot of time typing up angry letters, posts, dictionary inserts, etc.

-Why are you listening to Usher? Bach was the last real musician!
--yo, shut the **** up foo befo I knock yo ***! HE use only 10 real word of dis english, making it easy for me and my ghetto culture allies to comprehend.
-SHutup, Mike, and stop pretending you're black.

by Trex July 21, 2004

175๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snap music

A new, very boring type of hip hop. Some ppl might say that it is related to crunk music but it isnt. Crunk music is high energy and wild, snap music is the exact opposite. Snap music is boring. Everyone in the club is doing the same thing. How gay. Southern rap is suppose to be high energy but the ATL wants to change all that and bring in boring ass snap music. O well, ATL can snap & lean all they want but Memphis is still gon keep it crunk!

Person: The club was too crunk last night!
Other person: No it wasnt, everyone was just snapping there fingers. I could go to a poetry place and see that.

Snap music is the end of Southern rap as we know it!

by Jaeeelen June 27, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

music theory

A set of rules, guidelines, and terminology that musicians have come to agree upon over time.

Music theory mostly deals with the earliest music ever written on paper to music written in the late 1800's.

Music theory = my favorite class

by The Drafted's guitar player April 29, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hamilton the Musical

You're life is empty without it. A freaking amazing musical about Alexander Hamilton (Yes, the guy on the 10 dollar bill), and the founding of America. It includes His love life, him at war, and his insecurities.

It's freaking amazing. It's also really cool because they casted "color blind." And please, listen to the soundtrack. This fandom ruined my life. By Lin-Manuel Miranda

Have you listened to Hamilton the musical's soundtrack? Your'e life will never be the same. Seriously though, listen to it. Really, you won't regret it.

by Hamilton Trash March 16, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Music Scene

Also know as, Local Music or The Local Music Scene, the music scene is created by underground bands in a certain area or state. The music scene isn't defined by genre but by diversity. Any band who isn't on a record label is part of the music scene.

Although there are millions of bands in the music scene, not all of them last.
The music scene is supported by kids who go to local music shows and support the local bands. Without the kids, and sometimes adults, who support local music, the music scene will go to the dust.

The local music scene is like a local buisness, all local bands needs money to survive and they need kids to listen to them.

Every band in the music scene has talent, some more than others of course, but many local bands have the potential to get big, no matter what genre.

Music scenes involve having shows where you go out and support loca music by buying merch and having fun while listening to music that you like. you can get personal and meet the bands personally, and most of everyone is friendly at shows. you can meet other great people and spread the word about bands.

All in all, local music is under rated and really needs to be listened too, you'll never know what you'll find.

The music scene can either be crap or not, it matters what you like. Every state has a scene, sometimes you got to dig to find it.

by ActionWaters April 3, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

music scene

the music area or local bands in your area.mistaken for a type of person or style.it is infact not a style dumbasses it's the scene of music, the music culture

flordia's music scene is off the chain

by musicxme September 5, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž