Source Code

Pick Up That Can

The Phrase "pick up that can" comes from the popular game Half-Life 2 In the starting point of the game you will end up at a corridor with a gate, just as your character approaches the gate a "Metro police officer" will appear, As he does he will see a can on a trash can and Knock it over with is stun batton. When he does with he will look at you and say "Pick up that can"

Metro police: Pick up That can

You: fuck

by big pp sammy December 10, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle of a can tab

if you are able to get the middle of the can tab fully in tact then if you give it to someone you can cash it out for a kiss

hey *hands middle of a can tab* gotta give me a kiss now

by ejdhne June 15, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

coke can cocktail

A drink mixed directly into a soft drink can. For example, if you're making a rum and coke or a jack and coke, drink some of the coke, then pour the liquor directly into the can. Then, other people think you're just having a soda. Ideal for situations where you'd need to camouflage your drinking.

Dude, I'm going to this party and EVERYONE there is against drinking, so there won't be any booze. It's cool though, 'cause i'm bringing my flask and I'll be coke can cocktailing the whole time!

by Kurt Heuer May 25, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

can of tuna fish

A metal can thats is 1 inch long and 3 inches in diamter that contain tuna fish.

That guy is hung like a can of tuna fish.

by Postelrich July 24, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

I can dance to that.

phrase: to get behind a plan in an agreeable manner, to support an idea or plan positively that's been offered or suggested to a person as a possibility.

Dude, after the game, let's go to Clancy's Irish Pub and have a few pints.

OK. I can dance to that.

by Janmeister February 27, 2010

208๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

i can the power

Phrase used when somebody has epically won or has been given internetz

originated when a user on funnyjunk.com left the word "feel" out of the sentence "I can feel the power returning already"

John-That was awesome dude, you receive 10 internetz!


by fjUSER August 16, 2010

73๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

biscuit can girl

A girl or young woman who is nice looking and a little on the thick side, not yet fat or cubby, but within 5 years of finishing high school or giving birth to a child will gain and retain that excess weight forever, never again being able to recapture her once curvations figure. Much like opening a can of refrigerated biscuts, once you pop that seal there's no way to get that dough back into that skinny can.

After the Class reunion, Marc laughed out loud at his year book pictures and captions which included: Dave-then Captain of the Football team and voted Best Hair now bald as eagle used car salesman and Sharon-then homecoming queen, prom queen, and head cheerleader(always top of the pyramid) now biscuit can girl extrodinare and divorced mother of one.

by Nolen2 January 29, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž