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paper raped

it is a situation one finds himself or herself frequently in college, when two or more papers are due in different classes in a short period of time. This results in staying up late, putting off everything else, and writing paper after paper until you feel like quitting school.

How to use this term:

You: "Sorry man, I can't do anything this week. I have two papers due today, one tomorrow, and one the next day."

Me: "Dang, you are totally getting paper raped right now."

You: "Yep, it sucks..."

by rab711 November 11, 2008

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Ghost Rape

When a man gets an erection and doesn't know why.

Sorry teach I can't stand up I was just Ghost Raped

by cogglesnatch January 31, 2017

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poop rape

The act of sticking your penis into a hot steamy piece of freshly dropped excrement, must be well formed and freshly crapped. Not possible with diarrhea, may hurt your penis if tried.

I jizzed last night when I poop raped Justin,s turd.

by Justin Barbados November 21, 2013

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Cloud Rape

An action taken by games and applications When the applications associated with social media sites gain access to your contacts and unbeknownst to you start sending invitations to anyone on your contact list. discrete to feeling of shame in both the person receiving the invitation for knowing you play that game and in the person who didn't send the invitation because they gave their application permission to "cloud rape" you

I thought it was cool that my First Grade Teacher finally found me on facebook until Zinga started to "cloud rape" me 3 times a day.

by Jazzcrooner November 5, 2013

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Rape the goat

To settle for less.
Archaic usage: to go to bed.

He went home with that ugly chick? Man, he really raped the goat.

Archaic usage: Oh, man, I've been up since 5 am. I think I'm gonna go rape the goat.

by bdb2h April 10, 2008

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technological rape

the act of plugging the wrong cord into the wrong device. Usually occurs in the dark when your fumbling through a plethora of cords.

cell phone charger into ipod, ipod charger into laptop, laptop charger into cell phone = technological rape

by Skandar December 24, 2010

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Base raping

The act of killing the opposing team in a base, often uncapturable, but sometimes also of the capable variety. Often uses the most 'invincible' weapon available, such as a tank or a siege weapon.

National Hero: Agh! We're losing!
National Team: Noooo!


Person A: Why do they call it "base raping?"
Person B: Because it's like forcing someone to have sex with you. It might feel good for the perpetrator, but the other people of the world think it's wrong.

by RedShocktrooper May 13, 2010

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