A term coined by the Insurgency Sisterhood out of concern for the lack of real men in our generation, which is meant to describe a potential suitor's level of masculinity.
"Hey Jane, how'd your date with John go last night? Can he kill the wolf?"
"OMG that flannel shirt, those roughed up workin' man hands... He looks like he just got finished chopping down a tree. And I bet he smells like a hint of gasoline and motor oil. Yep, that one can definitely kill the wolf".
"Had the most amazing night of sex with my husband last night. Thank god he knows how to kill the wolf!"
When someone lies about a danger and then when its really there... they ignore the warning and deal with the ramifications
everyone might cry
can be someone who doesnt know being too cautious , this is the ultimate Ironic wolf, that finally there is a real danger... and its not properly reacted to it
similar to look behind you, and there actually is something bad there...
Billy kept joking about there being a danger... Then when there really was one, no one listened to him
Barbara kept pointing out things she thought was of concern, but was wrong about it... this went on for awhile, and most who knew her, just ignored her, until one day she was right.
Ironic wolf
The most beautiful wolf of the pack. She is absolutely perfect. She has the nicest purr, almost as if she is about to floof her tail and say “uwu I’m new to all this please love me”
Give her some love everyone.
A person who hunts the fine aroma of Wolf pussy, they enjoy the taste and smell of dirty pussy. They are proud of the wretched pussy that they have conquered!
Mark is a Proud Wolf he's well known at the strip club for getting a whiff while the girls dance.
Another word for a dog, Canis lupus familiaris (lierally means "family wolf"). Usually used to describe a wolflike doggo.
Isn't he the cutest little family wolf? What a good dog!
A male trick to get a pretty girl to take off her clothes.
In Rolf's wolf scam, he posed as a motion picture director to get women to audition for him.
Don't worry about that guy, girl, he's a total dirt wolf.