Source Code

stater bros

Grocery store owned by Jack Brown. The gayest place on earth. Don't ever work here because you will regret and hate it.

Bob: Hey I got hired at Stater Bros today!
Bill: Ahh, man you're fucked!

by +Bob O+ April 17, 2006

41πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Basic Bro

A man who is very ordinary and mundane, usually loves Emma Watson and prefers Call of Duty over any other game. This person can also be described with "Fuckboy."

Daniel: "Kanye West is the greatest rapper of all time."
Sean: "You are such a Basic Bro"

by What are those?! November 24, 2015

44πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

it's everyday bro

a rap song made by Jake Paul which is possibly worse than jacob sartorius and some stupid lines are also contained.

Jake Paul is the younger brother of Logan Paul. The rap was meant to be a diss for Alissa Violet, but her and RiceGum came out with a diss track for jake, which ended up more successful.

england is my city
i smell good
who the hella flippin you
it's everyday brooooooo

by mynamejayff July 7, 2017

59πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Bro weekend

Starting usually Friday after school till Monday morning.

Hey bro, Bro weekend!

No doubt, make sure the bitches bring our sandwiches while we play COD.

by DaWillShaw December 7, 2010

29πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bro πŸ’€

A phrase used by complete degenerates who spend their sweet time watching YouTube Shorts and/or TikTok, have at least one Huggy Wuggy in their room and are no older than 12. Just grow up for the love of Jesus Christ!

Shit nugget: Bro πŸ’€ thinks he's Sigma male πŸ’€
Normal human being: How old are you, Gacha kiddo?

by ThatTrainAnimationH8er July 28, 2023

66πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

bro nod

(N) : When a man nods in the general direction of another man. This can be an ambigious greeting often meaning β€œhello” or β€œwhats up?”

I haven’t talked to him in a while and I didn’t want to hear about his drama so I gave him a bro nod.

by Gary "the man" Busey October 26, 2007

37πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Bro Army

Pewdiepie subscribers who are bashed upon for being immature even though only about 30% of them are, the other 70% are thrown in with the minority trash. Bros as they are called, are generally fed up people who are tired of being assumed they are all like this.

Pewdie hater: Pewdiepie is a joke, he gets money for playing games which other companies actually put hard time and work into!
Immature Bro Army member: Hah! Ur gay and a barrel!
Mature Bro Army member: Yeah but I'm sure those companies' player bases and consumer base is growing because of that, and they aren't paying Pewdie either, Youtube is, which means free advertisement for them in the millions! Unless you are SEGA, I don't think you would want to turn that down.

by A mature sir December 16, 2013

105πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž