the act of putting a straw into one’s anus and blowing until the subject pops
You wouldn’t believe it! This girl wanted to give me an oklahoma opener last night!
something literally EVERYBODY has said
You: Why can't I laugh?
Me: You know what they say... a hearty chuckle leaves an open throat
aka. P.O.R.P.; When an individual is romantically attracted to people regardless of what their political identity is
Veronica identifies as being a supporter of the Reform Party, but she is interested in dating other people, even if they have a different political identity from her. She has a Politically open romantic preference.
Something Meta tells its employees while simultaneously locking discussions from having comments.
BE OPEN and open up the comment section Mark!
When someone is laying on there back with there mouth open and a male runs towards them jumps and land cock first in their mouth.
I gave my buddy an Open Face Sandwich last night.
A simple yet effective chess trap that players of any rating will be guaranteed to fall for. With the founder GM Vikram Rahul Abishek Pranav Rajesh, here are steps to ensure you are in a winning position:
We will start with a standard opening, king's pawn to e4. Black responds with the Scandivanian Defense, queen's pawn to d5. This is black's first mistake, and the game is already over for him. We will play knight to f3. Black responds by capturing our pawn, attacking our knight. Now we will move our knight to g5, saving the piece and attacking black's pawn. To defend the hanging pawn, black plays knight to f6, bringing the piece into a more active square. We will move our pawn to d3. Black is already ahead in material, and so they will accept the sacrifice. Now we can develop our bishop by capturing the pawn on d3. Black plays pawn to h6, attacking the knight. What we will do next is move the knight to f7, forking the rook and queen. Black has no options except to capture the knight and leave it in an exposed position. We can move the bishop to g6 to check black. Black cannot retreat his king because the bishop is now attacking this entire corridor. Black once again has no other choice but to capture with their king. Black's queen is now exposed after we sacrificed a knight and bishop. The next move is obvious. We can launch an RT-2PM2 «Topol-M» cold-launched three-stage solid-propellant silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile to attack black's remaining pieces.
GM Vikram Rahul Abishek Pranav Rajesh used the Réti Opening: Tennison Gambit, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation against Magnus Carlsen, instantly decimating his chances of winning the World Blitz Chess Championship.
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