When you pump gasoline and leave without paying for it.
I need some gas but I'm broke...Let's pull a pump n run.
When you go to the gym and get temporarily get bigger after your workout, just to go back to your normal size.
You (post gym): "man I'm so pumped after that workout, I'm freaking huge!"
Your body: "you just have the post gym pump. This is what you could look like, but... you won't actually look like that in about 30 min"
When one has sexual intercourse with a less than desirable looking female, usually a 'sex worker' aka whore.
Origin: Family Guy
Quagmire (with a trashy girl on his arm): Hang around little guy, I'll be back later (he winks).
Stewie: Oh very well. I suppose I'll go and pump the chemical toilet. (Eyes the trashy girl.) apparently, you're about to do the same.
A private act of self-congratulation involving flexing the bicep, jerking the elbow, bringing the fist in close to the chest and holding momentarily. Performed surreptitiously.
A more expressive alternative to patting oneself on the back.
May be abbreviated to sfp
John nervously hung up the phone after confirming his first date with the Head Cheerleader, marking the occasion with a solo fist pump.
A sexual act used as a finishing move. Mimics the activities of an Oregonian gas station. 3 people are required for this act: one is the Recipient, one is a Bum, and the third is the Pump. The Bum swipes the Recipient's credit card in the Pump's ass crack. This allows the Pump to release their fluids into the Recipient's throat. Optional: the Bum yells "FINISH HIM" as the Pump is about to release their fluids.
(An alternative of the Washington Gas Pump)
"Hey Jerry, you should get Tom to come over so that we can do the Oregon Gas Pump properly tonight!"
"Honey, I can give you the Oregon Gas Pump, but we will need to find somebody extremely unemployable to swipe my credit card."
"Hey Bobby, want to play Mortal Kombat X while Tina and her Bum friend perform the Oregon Gas Pump on us?"
"These Oregon Gas Pumps are more satisfying than a bukkake in Africa."
The Austrian gas pump is when You feed your girl large quantities of food, and she is so full of food that she needs to shit a lot. Then you fuck her in the ass and the shit explodes causing it to go all over you shirt, pants, and dick.
This girl Jaminca wanted to do the Austrian gas pump with me.
Ejaculating after 2 thrusts surprising yourself and/or your partner
We did have sex but i gave her the two pump surprise